World's Finest CHOCOLATE

Cherry USA

Since 1949 World’s Finest Chocolate has been the leader in the chocolate fundraising industry. Their dedication to the art of fine chocolate making has resulted in the sale of over 6 billion chocolate bars, and helped organizations raise over $4.6 billion. For three generations, they have used the same recipe and only the finest ingredients blended together to make a smooth, rich, flavorful chocolate. Excellent Profits: You can earn 50% profit on all items including $1, $2, & $3 bars* Excellent Quality: Your chocolate is made fresh Pick up available in Minneapolis and Stillwater Minnesota.** No money up front for qualifying organizations. Prize chocolate on qualifying orders. *Minimum quantities required. **Not all items are available for pickup. Testimonial: For 4 years now, our troop has raised funds by selling the World’s Finest Chocolate bars and we have always had a great experience with it. It is a fun and easy fundraiser for youth of all ages to participate in. Our troop raised $5,000 through the WFC fundraiser and we were able to take our troop of 15 youth on a weeklong road trip to Yellowstone National Park, stopping and camping out at various locations along the way there and back. We had a very memorable time and it was all thanks to selling the World’s Finest Chocolate. Rob has helped us with the sale since we first started and he has always been very resourceful, patient, and has accommodated us at all times. It has definitely been a pleasure working with Rob and we look forward to working with him again in the future. Dan-St. Paul

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Cherry USA
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